Personalized Education for K-9

Guiding children, youth and families on their educational journeys.


Train and Empower Parents

  • Imagine not having to wake up your sleeping child to rush her off to school.

  • Imagine a school day that isn’t too long, tiring or stressful.

  • Imagine children not overwhelmed by the barrage of social and emotional experiences they must navigate in the long hours of a school day.

  • Imagine that your child is expected to be learning in a largely filled classroom of stimulation, societal pressures and distractions.

  • Imagine not coming home to hours of homework after having already spent all day at school; presumably, learning.

  • Imagine choosing to make the world your child’s classroom instead of that classroom they’re in for most of the day, being their world.

  • Imagine a focused, curious student who is a lifelong learner and adept problem solver, confident and skilled.

  • Imagine creating 4-week blocks or units of learning and focusing all the reading, research, problem solving, projects, writing and presentations around the themes of the unit.

  • Imagine a child who doesn’t want to put down a book he is engrossed in, who brings the book and the story to the dinner table for a character study conversation.

  • Imagine completing daily lessons in a fraction of the time spent in the classroom.

  • Imagine quality hours of the day for extra curricular classes, field trips, playtime, sports, hobbies or family time.

  • Imagine integrating learning into a family’s daily rhythm of life and work.

  • Imagine learning becoming an adventure of exploration and expression where the student, parent and teacher plot their own course of study for the year.

  • Imagine being intrepid adventurers on an educational journey, discovering the myriad of treasures along the way.

AnnMarie empowers parents to learn how to navigate through their student’s learning years. With AMG’s guidance, experience and expertise, parents become empowered to be their student’s guide as the student becomes the strongly focused, curiosity led, independent and lifelong learner.