Personalized Pods and Book Clubs for K-8

Guiding children, youth and families on their educational journeys.

Guide Learning Process

Guidance fee:  $110/hour

As an educational guide, AnnMarie will navigate through the teaching and learning year by meeting with students one-on-one, (and parents for K-5), for an hour a week or every other week to create assignments, review projects, offer assessments and monitor student progress.

AMG will certify that the curriculum and work produced meet CA state standards. Additionally, AnnMarie is available during the week for, “I need help,” calls or emails from parents or students who may be feeling stuck, confused or lost.

2024/25 -Pods and Book Clubs

Mondays - Ages 9-11 - Girls

  • Pod and Book Club: 10:00 - 3:00

    A multi-curricular school year focusing on the wonder, magic, Science, Folklore and Story of the Elements: Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Wood.

    Includes: Reading, Writing, Reporting, Presenting, Art, Handwork, Practical Arts, Geography, French, Hands-on Projects

    Tuesdays - Ages 13-14 - Co-ed

  • Book Club: 12:30 - 3:00

    an 8th/9th grade Language Arts curriculum: Read/Write/Speak/Debate

    Themes of: Social Justice, Media Literacy, Utopia/Dystopia, Fantasy, Tragedy/Comedy, Environment

Wednesdays - Ages 11-13 - Girls

  • Pod and Book Club: 10:00 - 3:00


    A multi-curricular school year focusing on: Heroes/Sheroes, Archetypes, the Hero’s Journey, Middle Ages, Theatre, Art, Geography and French

Thursdays - Ages 9-11 - Boys

  • Pod and Book Club: 10:00 - 3:00

  • A multi-curricular school year focusing on the wonder, magic, Science, Folklore and Story of the Elements: Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Wood.

  • Includes: Reading, Writing, Reporting, Presenting, Art, Handwork, Practical Arts, Geography, French, Hands-on Projects,


Mon. Weds. Thurs. - Pods/Book Clubs: Annual Tuition: $4950

  • tuition can be paid in 9 monthly installments of $550

  • one time materials fee of $100 paid upon registration

Tuesday Book Club: Annual Tuition: $2700

  • tuition can be paid in 9 monthly installments of $300

  • one time materials fee of $100 paid upon registration

Fine Print:

2nd Sibling discount: 15% discount
10% discount for annual tuition paid in full (CASH ONLY)
5% added fee for Heartwood families to cover extra admin costs.

For more information about offerings,
please contact AMG at 707-321-1962.