Personalized Education for K-9

Guiding children, youth and families on their educational journeys.

Consultation Fees

Initial Consultation

Initial Consult Fee:  $140/student

AnnMarie offers an initial consultation of 1.5 hours. In this meeting, we meet with the student and person primarily responsible for overseeing the student’s education. We learn about student’s interests, view student’s current work level, discuss state standards and preferred pedagogies.

Co-Create and Personalize Curricula

Consulting Fee:  $110/hour

Together, we will design or choose a student’s curricula and resource that curricula with the appropriate materials, We will help to find classes in the community. We choose a minimum of 4 subjects for the semester. To personalized curricula for the semester (or year) takes 2 to 4 hours, including the initial consultation. Families with multiple siblings can streamline the process.