AMG Educational Specialist
guiding children, youth and families
AMG makes the world our educational classroom and the students become the explorers of their own world of learning.
AMG - AnnMarie Ginella
A Guide for Learning, Growth and Development
30 years’ teaching and inspiring learning for K-12
CA Credentialed English Language Arts and French teacher
Certified Waldorf teacher
7 years’ K-12, Homeschool teacher
Expert in developing traditional and alternative learning methods for each student’s journey.
Degrees and Education
Foundations in Waldorf Teacher Training: Center for Educational Renewal
M.A., English: Sonoma State University, Creative Writing Emphasis
California Teaching Credential: Sonoma State, Single Subject: French and English
Certificate of French Studies: Université d’Aix, Marseille, France
B.A., French Literature: Sonoma State University
AMG’s Journey
AnnMarie has been working with students in Sonoma County since beginning her teaching career at Cardinal Newman High School in 1991.
At the Catholic high school of her youth, she returned to teach English, World History, French and Computers.
After 7 years of traditional Catholic School education, she discovered Waldorf education and became a parent at Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm, learning about Waldorf education with her two young sons and working in Development, writing grants, creating outreach and fundraisers for the school and farm.
In 2007, she enrolled in the Waldorf teacher training at Center for Educational Renewal, located on the Summerfield Waldorf campus.
Simultaneous to her training, AMG taught the middle school grades at SunRidge Charter Waldorf School. As a Waldorf teacher she taught Main Lesson Blocks in all subjects as well as Art, Recorder, Drama, Speech and Gardening.
From Waldorf education AnnMarie segued to Independent Study (IS) or Homeschooling (HS) methods, where students DeSchool and UnSchool.
For the past 8 years AnnMarie has been an Independent Study Teacher (IST) at Pathways, a CA Charter School. She has guided students K-12 in their Independent Studies, while helping parents navigate the educational system. She designed and taught classes for young, middle and high school students in English Language Arts, Literature, Language, Culture and Geography.
In 2020, AnnMarie founded AMG Educational Specialist to empower parents and students to distance themselves from distance learning and transition into homeschooling, while acting as their guide, tutor or teacher.
In 2021 AnnMarie distanced herself from CA Public Education to return to teaching in the ways that she believes to be most effective for homeschooling students. With AMG Educational Specialist, AnnMarie integrates 20 years of experience, education and pedagogies with her vision for education, in a changing world.